Piya P.

Life On Top Of The Hill

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
I feel my horse breathing under me
Together we breathe in perfect unison.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
I see how all the people and cars below us look
Like miniature toys I can pick up and play with.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
My best friend sits next to me
Laughing together about nothing particularly funny.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
We watch as the sky changes from blue to orange,
The clouds making marshmallow shapes in the air.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
We wonder why no one takes more care of the hill
Sometimes the grass is as tall as us; sometimes it is not there.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
His soft, smooth hair slips through my fingers
My leg blends in perfectly with his beautiful mahogany color.
As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
I put my complete trust in him to not run away
And in return he trusts me to lovingly take care of him.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
The crunch of our horses chewing grass fills the air,
The tweet of a bird sometimes cutting in.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
I think about how there is nowhere else I want to be
I silently sit and only allow the scenery to occupy my mind.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
The time to leave finally arrives, I gather up my reins
And slowly return to the stress of everyday life.

As I sit on my horse on top of the hill,
I feel my horse breathing under me
And together we breathe in perfect unison.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.