Candice Andfield

Summertime In My Hood

Summertime in my hood
Taft St. Dorchester Ave. Stoughton and Sumner
Can’t forget the Ryan Playground
Every hot summer day is always something different.
Eventful and memorable.
Outside by 1 P.M.
In the house by 12 A.M.
All my friends
Hanging out,
Making jokes,
Water fights happen daily.
Down at the beaches near JFK swimming.
Chilling in the Little House where we ball up in the gym.
Eating ice cream from the ice cream truck.
Chomping on David Sunflower Seeds from the Chinese corner store.
Chips from Cappy’s.
C-13 always posted around.
Block parties behind the park.
Making videos to capture every moment.
Catch us in the movie Gone Baby Gone.
Always on the block trying to make that money.
Crying when friends moves away,
Like Galvin, Alleah, P-Nut, and Brito.
Crying when a friend gets locked up,
Like Paboo, Sherman, Jaquan.
Crying when a friend passes away,
Like Kendell.
Crying because you know without them summertime in the hood won’t be the same like before.
Then the Caribbean Festival
The day we get together and party all day and night.
Right around the corner is back to school.
Then we yearn for another summer ahead where we all chill again.
This is what the summertime is like in my hood.
Taft St. Dorchester Ave. Stoughton and Sumner
Can’t forget the Ryan Playground
Every hot summer day is always something different.
Eventful and memorable.
And nothing can tear us apart.


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