Timothy Borjas

A Sleepless Night

Today in the morning I値l run as fast as I can.
After a restless night, I have a good plan.
I知 going to run along the street for a while,
Hopefully at the end, I will hit two miles.
Then I知 going to run around the trees,
Where I知 probably going to feel the pain in my knees.
After, I will run around the U-shaped lake,
Where I think I知 going to take a five-minute break.
If I fall in, I will immediately climb out,
And continue on with my well-planned route.
Then I値l travel back towards my house,
Where I値l need to walk in quiet as a mouse.
Everyone will be asleep, it is early in the morning.
I will probably be able to hear my family snoring.
I値l eat breakfast, and get ready for my test.
I wish I had been able to get a good night痴 rest.


Copyright ゥ 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose ゥ 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.