Michael Lin

13 Years

My mind wanders back to 1994,
taking a trip down Memory Lane.

As little children before,
being our parents pride and pain.

We’ve engaged neighborhood children in water fights,
within your home.
Hourglasses of time spent on Lego delights,
sending them to other worlds to roam.

Teasing our sisters,
brought us amusement to no end.
Though it resulted in scissors,
pointed at our rear-ends.

Now we chatter about Dexter,
fascinated by his mind.
Letting our resentment for breaststroke fester,
we dread our coach’s large behind.

7:30 each morning marks a reunion,
while 8:30 Tuesday and Thursday nights marks our part.
Our personal thoughts remain unshared opinions,
though our name-calling is practically an art.

Right now, you can see we’ve grown a bit,
but not too much.

To another 13 years.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.