Sarah Winters

The Green-Eyed Woman

No longer through a student's lens
the green-eyed woman stares blankly
at the high school stage.
Her lips are pursed and
those eyes don't blink at all.
The silence is balanced by her
overwhelming energy,
compacted inside.
The only light shines through her
eyes which glimmer from the stage lights
like a smooth stone in a stream.
Intermission comes and she floats to
greet oncoming traffic.
Yet throughout the hollow small talk
I see little stars
peeking from her marbled eyes.
Her mind is distracted
until she returns to the safety
of her designated seat.
Homecoming is a relief and
So begins a wild jumpstart to Act II.

As the front bar dims on and off,
Acknowledging those in the
the green-eyed woman rises
with the crowd.
She claps in astonishment,
adding in a yowl or two.
Taking a breath
she covers her mouth
as if winning an award.
I glance to her
and our eyes meet among the uproar.
They all cheer for
the stars upon the stage.
her tears begin to fall and
I applaud for
the emerald-eyed woman.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.