Jack Foster Once AgainThe dead, decaying bodies lie in the crevice of his black, dormant mouth. He waits…. he knows…ONCE AGAIN,
the insistent rope tugs on his bare neck as the greedy gas begins to explode, shoving him onward into a melancholy spin, he turns in his sleep but the rope pulls harder and the gas chokes him on, forcing him…. to begin.
Once again, he is the swishing blade of conformity, he knows through their eyes he is waiting to hack them down but yet, they stand erect; full of outward pride as the dull roar of doom approaches, with their hands holding underneath them as an underground web of multitudenal strength.
Once again, as he sickenly slices through all of their dignity he tries to tell them that…. he, is only the conductor through which..Through which the Hate channels through, and hacks at them, but their bodies clog his stammering mouth and the dull roar consumes him making his words obsolete.
Once again, the capricious sadness overwhelms him, thickening the gas in his veins causing him to sputter, and finally, die but it is too late, he has done his job.
Again once, he remembers for the first time, that he will always fail: for the nurturing cycle of growth and rebirth succeeds, and the victims forget, occupied with their long, green work, giving him a saddened sigh of relief until… once again
he mows the lawn…
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2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.