David Miller


Boxes everywhere
Footsteps echoing on the cold wood floors
Voices bouncing off the walls, coming back like boomerangs
Sadness for what will be lost
Losing touch with the source
Fear of the unknown
Excitement and anticipation for what might be
Hard to let go of what is sure, secure, certain.

The moving truck pulls up to the house
Friends come to say goodbye
Tears, hugs, promises made to stay in touch
Car is loaded onto the truck
Jet engines roar and carry us to a new life.

We know nothing of dry days, windswept mountains, prickly cactus, blazing neon
We are of the ocean, the forest, the rain, historical roots
We are trading the call of the seagull for the circling of the vulture
Things seemed doomed from the start.

Beautiful house, new school, new friends
Our own pool, cool, wet, good times
Yet, so much emptiness
The Strip, excitement, lights, laughter, dinging, buffets
Too much smoke
And so much emptiness.

Boxes everywhere
Footsteps echoing on the cold ceramic tile floors
Voices bouncing off the walls, coming back like boomerangs
Sadness for what will be lost
Returning to the source
Returning to the known, the right
Excitement and anticipation for what will be
Never again to let go of what is sure, secure, certain.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.