Marvin Santer

Thrilla In Manilla

Why did this happen?
Why must I go through all this pain and suffering?

Swimming in a pool of tears
Feeling tons of fear

I go to the King
To buy my breakfast
At home I’m emotional
The reaction is fast

I was watching Rock of Love
I started connecting with the love
The affection of my family crowding over me

My friend who’s like a cousin
Got it really bad
He got shot for no reason
It made us all feel sad

The reason why he got shot
His older brother smoked pot
I’m thinking that I Feel Like Dying
It’s so damn hard to stop crying

I feel even more like Lil’ Wayne
I Prayed to the Lord
It was such a huge shame
That I felt like I got poked with a sword

He lived with us for a few weeks
I nearly teared up
He had shown me what had happened
He had all the luck

I saw the shooter’s face
Thank God for His grace
He would have been dead
And I could have turned red


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.